Monday, January 9, 2012

Globaloria & Gamefication , Game Design , Game Mechanics

What do you learn in globaloria ?
- I learn a lot about computers and how to do different things , also how to add stuff and I learn lots of new techniques on and about the computer .
Think about all the skills you have learned over the past two and a half years . Name at least 5 of these skills .
- I've learned how to use flash .
- I've learned about wiki , witch helps me with flash .
- I've learned how to save stuff to a flash drive and also how to delete it .
- I've learned how to blog and how to create more blogs .
- I've learned how to erase my mistakes I have done and to take back a mistake I have done .
How can these skills prepare you for a succesful academic future and how could you use these skills to find a great job ?
- These skills will help me computer wise , they will give me a good job and an added bonus so i can get the job want . They will help me because if i ever need to do something on the computer i will already have experience and it will make my job less harder .
What is the diffrence between . Game design , Game mechanics and Gameifications ?
-Game Design is the process which includes the brainstorming and creating the rules and contents of the game .
- Game Mechanics is the function of the actual game . what happens to the gamer's character through out the game .
- Gameification is adding new things to the game .

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