Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Gaming Habits

1. They games do you enjoy playing ? What are the titles ?
Well honestly i will play any game . Because my brother has all these weird games and i end up playing them all night , umm i really don't know what there called ? But there fun (:
2. When did you begin playing games , what type of game system ?
Uhh , i started playing when i was little i guess i don't really remember.
Maybe 7 ?? And i use all types of game systems from Wii To X-box ??
3.Do you parents limit the amount of time you are allowed to play games ?
Nope ! They just tell us not to be loud and we can play all night !
4.Do you think it is possible to get completely addicted to playing video games ? Why or Why not ? Yess ! Because if your really into something you won't stop until you reach you goal or just because you want to keep going !

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