Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Wizard

At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?
He is going to California.
What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?
His twin sister fell in to the lake and died so he is scared and instead of just being mad all the time he builds things(witch is not really a problem).
.Jimmy likes to stack and build things. How does this relate to video games?
You need lots of strategy to play a game and that is what he has so i think that's why he is so good at games.
Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?
To let some of his sadness and madness and gets his head out of the world and onto the game so he could get his mind clear.
What makes him such an awesome video game player?
He pays attention to what is happening and does not get his mind off the game not matter what happened
What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before?
ninja turtles and Mario bros 3 and that's all i could think of
How many different game systems do you see in the film?
2 it was a Nintendo and the arcade game
What did you think about the Power Glove?
I think the power glove is really cool you could control the game with out a control that is really cool

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