Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mad Hot Ball Room

What Does The Word ''Team Work'' Mean To You?

((Team work means to me,like when you need help picking up your room and somebody helps you!!That's Team Work!! what team work really means to me is somebody helping you or you helping somebody!!TOGETHER!!))

How Do You See These Students Trying Working Together?
((They all help each other by giving each other so good tips like i saw this one girl telling her partner to keep his arm up and i think that in these ways lots of these kids were helping each other in different but nice ways))

How Important was Teamwork For These Students?
((Because without team work they would be so lost..It is really important to work together because if the did not work together then they would not do the dances right or even focus right))

What Do You Think The Main Message That These Students Should Take Away From This Experience?
((Now they have experience on how to dance and even at a early age they are not worried about the boys and they later on can carry on a dancing career or anything they want to do))
How Will You Work Together With Your Teammates In Globaloria?
((I will work with my team cooropertive and helpfull because i know they will need my help at one point i also will help them with what ever they may need))

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