Monday, November 1, 2010

Delaney.H.12 2010

The age of stupid was a really cool video it taught me allot of stuff.One thing the video taught me was that if we don't do anything to help save our earth then we can end up dead and i really am so amazed that that will probably end up like that. I think that we should do something and help save our earth so that does not happen to us we really need to do something. This video was a really interesting i a way like you want to know what will happen next and i really want to know what will happen next in my life but we need to wait and i don't wan to hear" oh your going to die because of global warming"that won't be good news .I really liked this videoa whole lot and i want to see somthing like this again brcause it gives me more information on what will happen if we don't and what we should do to help.I really wan to help and i hope that other people just like you could and will help to:)

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