Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delaney.H. 6 2010

One of the game topics that i am most interested to is teen pregnancy i like this topic because it is becoming more of a problem here in the united states i really want to work on this project because i like the fact and because i know who i am helping i also like this project because tens should not be getting pregnant at least not tell they are ready

One other game topic that i want to work on is pollution i just do not like that fact that people can just through stuff one the floor and not even have the time to through it in the trash and i do that to but still i really want to help that problem stop and i really want it to stop so that is why i want to work on that topic

!!!! [= Those are the two game topics that interest me the most =]!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting topics.

    I hope you begin to throw trash in it's proper place.
