Thursday, September 30, 2010

Delaney.H.7 2010

!!WOW!! That was life changing video it told me about all the animals that are in danger and will be instinct in a couple of years or even months. Another i liked about this video is that it showed me that not just certain people are making animals go instinct it is everybody and no i am not telling you don't eat meat any more am just telling you to maybe just cut down our help animals donate money and what ever you do DO NOT LITTER that is one of the things that hurt the animal especially to the ocean animals and a other thing what you can do is tell people friends,family,nabors and convince them to tell people no more cutting down trees that affects not only the animals but us too. What would we do with out tress NOTING we would dye because no oxygen = no people OR animals. I think that this video was very true and i realized that animals are having to move out of there own habitats because of us what we are doing to are earth may not be hurting us but it i hurting are animals and don't say i don't care i am a vegetarian because maybe you mom, dad. sister, brother aunt, uncle eat meat they can't eat salad all there life the need meat an so do you and i am not saying eat meat either just help are animals we need them ALL of them many animals have already been instinct but some haven't and we can make them stay alive maybe forever we can change the world came on guys make a difference!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas, stop littering, cutting down trees etc.

    Title of documentary?
