Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Delaney.H. 11 2010

The choosing a topic was good i liked it because you can tell he people what you are wanting to do for your game and why you want to do it and what i can do so that it will became my game topic i hope we will get to do this more often because i want people to know what i am doing so if i need help someone can help me so i can succeed at my game and make it the best game ever and i think that we should do something like that again but with more information so we can actually know what we are going to do and so we can know all the facts about what we are doing why we are doing it and see more information about it.We should do this more often and i hope we will be able to soon:)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Delaney.H.10 2010


Tornado's 1992-2010
Found October 11,2010


Encyclopedia 1995-2010
Found October 11,2010


NASA 1999-2010
Found October 11,2010


CNN 1994-2010
Found October 11,2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Delaney.H.9 2010


Author Title of website, Web adress or URL copy right date, Date you found the information


ThinkQuest:Explores of the Millenium

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delaney.H. 6 2010

One of the game topics that i am most interested to is teen pregnancy i like this topic because it is becoming more of a problem here in the united states i really want to work on this project because i like the fact and because i know who i am helping i also like this project because tens should not be getting pregnant at least not tell they are ready

One other game topic that i want to work on is pollution i just do not like that fact that people can just through stuff one the floor and not even have the time to through it in the trash and i do that to but still i really want to help that problem stop and i really want it to stop so that is why i want to work on that topic

!!!! [= Those are the two game topics that interest me the most =]!!!!

Delaney.H.8 2010

That video that we watched was really cool it was called the COARL REEF i really liked it.It told me about the animals in the ocean and what we are doing to them and what theRemove Formatting from selectiony need. I really liked this video because it showed me that even though i do not like fish that does not mean my sister does not like fish but still it is not about that it is about us killing the fish and one problems is over fishing and i did not expect that i mean come on guys you can eat 7 fish for 7 people not 20 fish for 7 people i mean that is way to much you guys that do go fishing or know some one that fishes i just want you to know one thing fishing is OK but don't over fish. What me and my dad do is fish get a fish but we do not like fish that much so what we do is thought it back in the water and yhea your saying but i do like fish for people that do eat fish don't get 9 fish a day for 5 people and i am not saying stop eating fish just stop catching a dozen for only 5 people that is all i am saying because if you keep on doing that soon enough we are not going to have any fish so please 2 for 2 people 5 for 5 people not 10 for 6 people.OK enough with that a other problem is warming of the water that is the one that i know is caused by global warming witched is cased by green house gasses witch is caused buy us all i am saying is not to litter we need are ocean and we need are fish please people you can make a change we can make earth the way it is supposed to look how it was made to look!!!!!!!